1. Mentoring classes – During this session, various activities was conducted by Faculty Members and students took participated in many of the activities such as Drawing Competition, Eassy Competition, Quiz Competition, Guest Lecture by SDM of Kunkuri, Nayab Tehsildar of Kunkuri, And SDM of Fharsabahar, Motivational Classes was also conducted, For the beneficial of the students and it will be helpful for creating their career in many aspects.
2. Covid-19 Awareness Program –
Loyola College Kunkuri, came forward in the critical situation of covid 19 lockdown, the faculty members and students participated in the awareness campaign on prevention of COVID-19 Distributing Masks, Sanitizer, hand wash, food packets, packets of cereals etc.
NSS students also came forward and collaborate with the kunkuri police and helps in berrigate stopping people of kunkuri and making them understand the meaning the Lockdown and to stay at home and to take the safety precautions.
1. Computer Quiz Competition – Every year on the 2nd of December on the world computer literacy day, The Computer Dept. of Loyola College Kunkuri, organized the quiz competition for various Schools. The main purpose of this program is to spread the knowledge of computer among all the students and aware of the computer uses. In this competition more than 12 Schools students took participated in the exam among that top 3 gets the Trophy and certificate as a Prize.
2. Morning prayer –
Loyola College Kunkuri is a Jesuit Society of Catholic Community. A prayer is being Conducted in the morning by Various Dept. throughout the years. Our college start at 9:25 A.M and the First bell rangs for prayer in which devotional song is played for 4/5 Minutes and after that thought for the day, prayer reading etc. is being said by the Faculty Members.
The Main Vision for prayer is to involve all the students and Faculty members to remember the God for the new day of the life and spend the whole day in God’s own blessing.
1. Environmental awareness program – One Day Environmental exploitation and Awareness program was conducted for B.A first year students in which they had gone to Rajpuri waterfall and they have done their project on it. Making various sketch of waterfall and have written their own view of observation. Every year students are provided by this opportunities by the Dept. and Faculty members.
2. Yoga and meditation – Yoga is a mind and body practice, various style of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or relaxation. In our college every year yoga day is organized on the 21st of June.
1. Career guidance – Career guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them a quire the knowledge, information skills and experience necessary to identify career option and narrow them down to make are career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional wellbeing throughout.
2. Blood donation –
Blood donation is when a person voluntarily gives blood, which can be used for blood transfusions or to make certain drugs. Blood banks store this blood. People donate their own blood, which can be used after the operation if they lose too much blood. This short article about medicine can be made longer.
Safe blood saves lives. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into components- red cell, platelets and plasma- which can be used individually for patients with specific condition.
In our Loyola College blood donation is being done on a large scale of numbers both by students as well as Faculty members, The main purpose of blood donation is to serve poor and needy people in free of cost.
1. Remedial classes – Remedial classes are being conducted from the beginning of the session, Since the college get started. It is for those students who are weak and for whom some difficulties arises in any of the subject. Classes is being provided by various Faculty member during the entire session.
2. Spoken English – Loyola College Kunkuri is located in a small town of rural area of Jashpur Dist of C.G. Many of the students comes from Hindi Medium and are weak in English language, In the beginning of the session, Spoken English classes is being conducted for all the first year students. So that they can improve their English vocabulary.