1. Tree Plantation –
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants, the main purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life.
Tree plantation programme was held in our college campus on the month of August. The Students of all year actively participated in the programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, Faculty members, NSS volunteers and students are planting saplings in our college premises.
Under the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Sajid Khan, NSS Volunteer planted more than 60 Trees. The students also placed bricks as barricades and each students took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look the committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.
Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. - Loyola College Kunkuri, has taken a special initiative to make it a point to plant trees every year. - This year so many plants (Mangoes, Guava, litchi, sapota, coconut, etc.) have been planted. - This not only makes the campus clean and green but also beautifies it.

2. Rain water harvesting –
Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible to save water.
In our College Campus water harvesting is done in a large amount of capacity. As our college is eco-friendly and greenry campus a lot of water is required to plants. In our college there is a small pond and some water tanks for water conservation through which coconut plantation, banana plantation, botanical plantation etc. are being irrigated.

3. Herbal Garden –
The Herbal Garden is often a separate space in the garden, devoted to growing a specific group of plants knowns as herbs. These gardens may be informal patches of plants, or they may be carefully designed. Herb garden may be purely functional, or they may include a blend of functional and ornamental plants.
The labels in the herbs have been done in the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Ignace Kindo, Asst. Prof. Sharda Singh. Many new plants have been identified in the herbal garden. Herbal Garden becomes an example for many which orient others to be eco-friendly. In our college campus there is a herbal garden which has large variety of species including Aloe Versa, Satavar, Tulsi, Mint, Clove, Chirata, Sugarfree plants etc.

4. Birds sanctuary – Bird sanctuaries are nature facilities that advocate the conservation of various species of birds and their natural habitats while promoting rehabilitation and survival. In the campus of Loyola College Kunkuri, Research was done by the students and they have found more than 30 species, many Indian birds as well as migratory birds arrive. After looking at birds coming to the campus, college has made a point to make a sanctuary for birds which would be titled as Birds in Bird Sanctuary of Loyola College, Kunkuri.

5. Plastic Free Campus – Plastic free Zone - Ahead of World Environment Day in 2021, Government Declared All Protected Areas 'Plastic Free Zones. As a first step, The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has banned plastics in all protected areas around the country, by declaring them “plastic free zones”. In the same line Loyola College Kunkuri, has taken an initiative to make the campus free of Plastics. In order to make this Zone Free of Plastic, College has placed many dustbins around the Campus. College also makes the students aware about the non-degradability of Plastics. Plastics can reduce the fertility of the soil. Hence it is necessary to make the campus clean and free from plastics.

1. Tree, Herb and Shrub Plantation –
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants, the main purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life.
Tree plantation programme was held in our college campus on the month of August. The students of all year actively participated in the programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, Faculty members, NSS volunteers and students are planting saplings in our college premises.
Under the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Sajid Khan, NSS Volunteer planted more than 50 Trees. The students also placed bricks as barricades and each students took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look the committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.

2. Birds Sanctuary – Bird sanctuaries are nature facilities that advocate the conservation of various species of birds and their natural habitats while promoting rehabilitation and survival. In the campus of Loyola College Kunkuri so many Indian birds as well as migratory birds arrive. After looking at birds coming to the campus, college has made a point to make a sanctuary for birds which would be titled as Birds in Bird Sanctury of Loyola College, Kunkuri.

3. Plastic Free Campus – The use of plastic is a big menac to the environment. Plastic lacks the ability to biodegrade and this means that it pollutes the environment. Essentially, plastic free zone means that one has to avoid or minimize using plastic materials and if we are using it, it should be properly placed in the dustbin. In our college campus each and every corner there is a dustbin placed and in every Classroom there is a dustbin.

4. Botanical Garden –
Botanical garden is an establishment where plants are grown for scientific study and display to the public. Botanical garden is often called as botanic garden, originally a collection of libing plants designed chiefly to illustrate relationships within plants groups.
Botanical gardens mainly serves the purpose of providing ex-situ conservation (conservation of selected rare plants/ animals in place outside their natural homes) of endangered plant speices.
In our college campus there is a botanical garden which has large variety of speices including Artocarpus heterophyllu, Ficus religiosa, Musa sapientum, Artocarpus heterophyllus, etc.

5. Oxygen Bank –
Forests all over the world are vanishing at an alarming rate. As the green lungs of Mother Earth, they are vital to our health and survival. Forests are diverse, as a result of factors such as climate, soil conditions and forest history, different forest types have emerged, such as evergreens in the tropics, rainforests in warm temperature zones.
Our Loyola college kunkuri is situated in Jashpur district of hill area, it is covered with forests and mountain due to which climate is cold and the level of oxygen is high. And our campus is surrounded by all types of trees and plants which is eco- friendly for all.

1. Tree, Herb and Shrub Plantation-
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants, the main purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life.
Tree plantation programme was held in our college campus on the month of August. The students of all year actively participated in the programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, Faculty members, NSS volunteers and students are planting saplings in our college premises.
Under the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Dinanath, NSS Volunteer planted more than 70 trees, the students also placed bricks as barricades and each students took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look the committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.

2. Rain water harvesting –
Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible to save water.
In our college campus water harvesting is done in a large amount of capacity. As our college is eco-friendly and greenry campus a lot of water is required to plants. In our college there is a small pond and some water tanks for water conservation through which coconut plantation, banana plantation, botanical plantation etc. are being irrigated.

3. Tobacco free zone – Tobacco free zone means a clear, smoke free path so everyone can come and go in comfort. Just about everyone agrees that tobacco smoke is unpleasant and unhealthy. There is a great advice and orientation for today’s youth not to have tobacco for it can lead to serious and deadly disease; such as Cancer. Loyola college campus is Tobacco free zone and leads a step ahead the campus to make it eco- friendly.

4. Birds Sanctuary – Bird sanctuaries are nature facilities that advocate the conservation of various species of birds and their natural habitats while promoting rehabilitation and survival. In the campus of Loyola College Kunkuri, research was done by Zoology students and they concluded that more than 35 species of birds are found so many Indian birds as well as migratory birds arrive. After looking at birds coming to the campus, college has made a point to make a sanctuary for birds which would be titled as Birds in Bird Sanctuary of Loyola College, Kunkuri.

5. Oxygen zone –
Forests all over the world are vanishing at an alarming rate. As the green lungs of Mother Earth, they are vital to our health and survival. Forests are diverse, as a result of factors such as climate, soil conditions and forest history, different forest types have emerged, such as evergreens in the tropics, rainforests in warm temperature zones.
Our Loyola College Kunkuri is situated in Jashpur district of hill area, it is covered with forests and mountain due to which climate is cold and the level of oxygen is high. And our campus is surrounded by all types of trees and plants which is eco- friendly for all.

1. Tree and Herb plantation –
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants, the main purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life.
Tree plantation programme was held in our college campus on the Month of August. The students of all year actively participated in the Programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, Faculty members, NSS volunteers and students are planting saplings in our college premises.
Under the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Sushil Ekka and Forest Dept. NSS Volunteer planted more than 85 Trees. The students also placed bricks as barricades.
and each students took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look the committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.

2. Rain water harvesting –
Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible to save water.
In our college campus water harvesting is done in a large amount of capacity. As our college is eco-friendly and greenery campus a lot of water is required to plants. In our college there is a small pond and some water tanks for water conservation through which coconut plantation, banana plantation, botanical plantation etc are being irrigated.

3. Tobacco free zone – Tobacco free zone means a clear, smoke free path so everyone can come and go in comfort. Just about everyone agrees that tobacco smoke is unpleasant and unhealthy. There is a great advice and orientation for today’s youth not to have tobacco for it can lead to serious and deadly disease; such as Cancer. Loyola college campus is Tobacco free zone and leads a step ahead the campus to make it eco- friendly.

4. Birds Sanctuary – Bird sanctuaries are nature facilities that advocate the conservation of various species of birds and their natural habitats while promoting rehabilitation and survival. In the campus of Loyola College Kunkuri so many Indian birds as well as migratory birds arrive. In this campus around 30 species of birds are found, Research has been done by Zoology students. After looking at birds coming to the campus, college has made a point to make a sanctuary for birds which would be titled as Birds in Bird Sanctuary of Loyola College, Kunkuri.

5. Botanical Garden –
Botanical garden is an establishment where plants are grown for scientific study and display to the public. Botanical garden is often called as botanic garden, originally a collection of libing plants designed chiefly to illustrate relationships within plants groups.
Botanical gardens mainly serves the purpose of providing ex-situ conservation (conservation of selected rare plants/ animals in place outside their natural homes) of endangered plant speices.
In our college campus there is a botanical garden which has large variety of speices including phoenix sylvestris (L) Roxb Areca catechu, Tamarindus indica, Mangiifera indica, etc

1. Tree, Herb, Shrub Plantation –
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants, the main purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life.
Tree plantation programme was held in our college campus on the month of July. The students of all year actively participated in the programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, Faculty members, NSS volunteers and students are planting saplings in our college premises.
Under the Guidance of Asst. Prof. Raju Raj Kujur, NSS Volunteer planted more than 50 Trees. the students also placed bricks as barricades and each students took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look the committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.

2. Rain water harvesting –
Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible to save water.
In our college campus water harvesting is done in a large amount of capacity. As our college is eco-friendly and greenry campus a lot of water is required to plants. In our college there is a small pond and some water tanks for water conservation through which coconut plantation, banana plantation, botanical plantation etc. are being irrigated.

3. Plastic Free Campuse – The use of plastic is a big menac to the environment. Plastic lacks the ability to biodegrade and this means that it pollutes the environment. Essentially, plastic free zone means that one has to avoid or minimize using plastic materials and if we are using it, it should be properly placed in the dustbin. In our college campus each and every corner there is a dustbin placed and in every classroom there is a dustbin.

4. Botanical Garden –
Botanical garden is an establishment where plants are grown for scientific study and display to the public. Botanical garden is often called as botanic garden, originally a collection of libing plants designed chiefly to illustrate relationships within plants groups.
Botanical gardens mainly serves the purpose of providing ex-situ conservation (conservation of selected rare plants/ animals in place outside their natural homes) of endangered plant speices.
In our college campus there is a botanical garden which has larde variety of speices including phoenix sylvestris (L) Roxb., Ficus racemosa L., bridelia retusa (L.)A.Juss., etc.

5. Oxygen Bank –
Forests all over the world are vanishing at an alarming rate. As the green lungs of Mother Earth, they are vital to our health and survival. Forests are diverse, as a result of factors such as climate, soil conditions and forest history, different forest types have emerged, such as evergreens in the tropics, rainforests in warm temperature zones.
Our Loyola college kunkuri is situated in Jashpur district of hill area, it is covered with forests and mountain due to which climate is cold and the level of oxygen is high. And our campus is surrounded by all types of trees and plants which is eco- friendly for all.